Diaper Lifestyle #1 – Panties At My Ankles

It’s happened again. It’s been over a month since I last had an accident, I thought I was going to be ok, but I still keep waking up wet.

“I am going to be OK” I say to myself, my voice cracking in the freezing morning air. I move my tiny body a little and can feel the cold damp around my waist, i’ve been sleeping in it for a while & have a long morning or laundry ahead. There’s nothing wrong with me, I’m just a bedwetter, my body just thinks it’s safe to pee sometimes when it’s not… but I also seem to forget that i’m not wearing diapers sometimes.

I know that sounds funny, why would this grown-up girl feel like she’s still wearing diapers… but the truth is, I just really like diapers. I have always been fascinated by them, back to my earliest memories. I’ve always loved the plasticy feeling, the colorful packages, the idea of being all snuggly & careless, it’s always made me feel warm and fuzzy but also a little sad, like Christmas. I often dream of diapers, I sometimes feel naked without one. I have tried to be a big girl and just wear panties, but I keep finding myself back in diapers, be it due to accidents or just wanting the warm, comforting hug that taping on a diaper gives, they call them “Huggies” for a reason.

A Diapered Lifestyle was always a little scary as a concept. I’ve always been really social and the idea of certain people finding out about my diapers is a big worry. I’ve never felt like I “Fit In” and diapers make me feel like more of an outsider, made me afraid of hugs and always felt like I had a “dirty little secret”. But I don’t think it has to be that way and my journey is really about accepting that I can live a full, joyful life while Staying Diapered. And if I keep having accidents, Diapers are going to be a less embarrassing alternative…

So i’m going to start thinking about diapers again. I’m going to pick up some new ones and begin my journey to be comfy and happy in my diapers, for life! I’ll be talking all about my diapered journey in these following “Diaper Lifestyle” posts & videos, as well as real-life tests and reviews of diapers & diaper accessories, I’m going to find out what works best for this girl and hopefully help new & old friends find what’s best for them!

In these pics you can see i’m still experiencing significant bruising Post-Op, don’t worry about it 🙂 I’m also working on being more hydrated, I usually drink a ton of water but have been lax on that… diapers should allow me to drink all the water I want, no accidents or worries, just crinkles and smiles!

More soooon, we’re going to be starting at the very basics with a breakdown of how diapers are made! Thanks friends and here’s to a wonderful diapered life!

Little Eve

Hi Friends!!! I have some adorbs pics to share and a new video!

It’s a panty video but I can assure you I was wearing diapers before & after filming it, the Bears saw me & little Bears can’t lie, they are honorable Bears like those Bears in His Dark Materials! I have good Bears 🙂

Also Sorry I borked my website. I tried to make it better but it stopped working, so it’s going to look like this until I can figure it out. And my friends hospital stuff is going great!

Here’s some pics! Video from this Open House Coming Soon!

Sending the waaaarmest bear hugs from this smiley little diapergirl 🙂

Sending Warm Hugs!!!

This Open House had a Wizard of Oz Theme, really gorgeous displays!

More soon! Hugs friends!!!

Virginia Is For Diaper Lovers #6 – A Combination of Invention and Recall

Will Eisner, when discussing an autobiographical chapter in his “A Contract With God” book, described the story as a “Combination of Invention and Recall”. That’s our memories, isn’t it? I’m digging through footage of my Shenendoah Trip and so much of it seems new, swept away in the whirlwind of travel and an already-full memory. If it weren’t for this blog I would have forgotten most of my 20s, time will tell if that’s a good thing or not.


I just came back from another little travel adventure and I have lots and lots of travel in my future, going back to Shenandoah in a few weeks, I’m starting to take advantage of my geographical position and all the great stuff around the Maryland/Virginia area.

To clarify, I went to Shenandoah from the Sept. 11th to the 18th (I always travel on the 11th) then I spent a week with family visiting my area, then I stayed another few days at another resort in Maryland to film/work. I just got home yesterday and don’t have any more travel for at least 2 weeks, so I can finish the Kat video and work on the ~200GBs of video I have to edit. So much new stuff on my StayKinky sites, check them out!!!

Check out this “Trans Breast Growth Diary” video on my transcaping site, I also have a version on Youtube but it’s not in color and not as good, watch the MV one. It’s a video about my breast growth journey!

Here’s some cute travel pics, I need to get back to editing 😛 Hugs friends <3<3

Thanks for reading, I always appreciate people sharing this site on their twitters and social media stuff! Thanks for all the support friends! I am so happy with the way I look, check out those tiny boobs!

You Put The Wrong Emphasis on the Wrong Syllable

I often lie awake at night thinking about this clip form the terrible 2003 Mike Myers/Gwen Paltrow movie “A View from the Top”.

But that’s not what this post is about! I’m editing some awesome pics and more from my Shenandoah adventure and I need to dive deep into that, so here’s some cute pics to tide you over, raw and unedited :):) Biggest hugs friends, i’ve got a really busy week ahead on top of all the editing so expect few words and lots of pics!!! Thanks and more stuff soooooooon!!!

And here’s a little unlisted preview video that I posted on my Patreon a week ago! Be sure to check it out if you want to support my content and get cute little things in your inbox!


It’s still pretty early in the morning here, I’m covered in blankies and have my headphones on, looking up pictures of kittens on the internet. One little kitten in particular.



I always felt bad for Nermal. They’re just a happy, positive kitten and Garfield was always such a jerk to them. If you really want to stretch you could say that Garfield is that angry, resentful part of us that groans when we see attractive teenagers kissing, bitterness personified in a grumpy kitty. And Nermal is the opposite, they are happy when people succeed and never find ways to put themselves above others. I think we have both these Garfield/Nermal or Rick/Morty aspects to ourselves and what we choose to share with the world is how people will judge us, as a angry cuss or a shiny friend. I haven’t been writing much, because I’ve been much more horns than halos lately, I’ve let the sad things get to me and went a little too far down the Garfield hole. Today is the first day i’ve felt back to Nermal, not too happy of course, but I see the silver lining before I see the clouds and that feels good.


[Warning, incredibly personal, substance related paragraph ahead] I can’t attribute this to getting the anti-depressants, as I haven’t started taking them yet. I’m still a little afraid to, but will probably start in the next day or so if I start feeling specifically negative. I know it’s something I can’t go on and off of, so when I do start taking them, I will stick with it. The key factor in all this is quitting my boozy depressed ways, feeling sick all the time from constant consumption. I feel better when I’m sober, and don’t want to go back to drinking 24/7. I share this with a twinge of embarrassment, I wish I could tell you I was strong enough to have avoided that or simply blame a long history of alcoholics in my family, but I’m just going to take responsibility and be a good girl. Thanks for listening… moving on now. [glad that’s over]


I’m going to spend the day filling out applications for a second seasonal job, answering some emails, I may stream some games later but I’ll probably take it easy, try to avoid any tough interactions and be gentle with my little kitten self.



I have been shy, only occasionally posting pics on my Twitter. These are from a few weeks ago, in my Prevail Breezers, these cloth covered nappies for warm weather, I was surprised how much I like them. I have more diaper stuff to talk about, including some recent experience with real cloth diapers and a story I read at CapCon that I think you’ll like. Thanks for reading, check back soon, I’ll have new stuff for you soon! Big bear hugs and have a lovely weekend 🙂 

Song of the Day: “Take The Box” – Amy Winehouse

Sad Soggy Sucker

I’m not really at my best right now. I have been getting some dentistry, and have been a little groggy and miserable from a terrible tooth ache. No worries, next Weds I have an appointment that should take care of most of the misery. I will refrain from going into detail, but I’m a miserable little princess and my bear has been getting non-stop hugs.

I’ve been looking at old pics~ I never really edited this whole set, just me in baby diapers playing cute.

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I also have been playing with audio! Have you heard of ASMR? It’s really neat. I made a tiny little clip and have been looking to make more, I purchased a lovely new mic so I can finally make high quality sounds. I think this is a great thing to mix with littlespace! I’d like to take submissions, but I’ll wait until this dentist stuff gets figured out.

Hugs! Babygirl needs love, send happy thoughts ❤

Riley K.

Poppin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hello again! It’s Riley and the topic of the moment is moving to NY, which I did about 5 months ago. It was a perilous cross-country train journey during one of the biggest snowstorms in Western New York history, it was exciting and exhausting and I RK_IMG_0994have it all on video. I won’t be talking about cold buns and delocation today, I’d like to talk about supply, demand and diapers. Of course, more about diapers than anything else.

Simply, there’s a fair share of diapers left here at my Nursery, so i’ve been going through a bunch of brands I otherwise wouldn’t wear. While filming My Strange Addiction, we went to the thrift store and a pharmacy and did bits of me buying diapers, and I got to keep all the diapers. At the thrift store they had a bunch of bags of Depends, and Tena pads, and Goodnites, and they were like 4-5 each, and they said I could get as many as I want. I was super shy at first about them buying me diapers, but they insisted and I ended up with about 50$ worth of various nappies, not counting others we had bought throughout the week+ of filming. This is 50$ worth of diapers at thrift store prices, which ended up being two huge black garbage bags of various packs.

They were kept safe for me here in NY and i’ve pledged to not order or ask for any new ones until I make a dent in these. Long story short, i’ve been a pull-up girl lately…

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I have gone through 2 packs of ATN’s, a pack of Abena S2’s and M4’s, 2 packs of Goodnites, dozens of random baby diapers and pull-ups (like the ones pictured, which I can only guess are CVS brand). I’ve also gone through Bambinos, AwwsoCutes, Northshores… I really need to make some more reviews. I do like the Goodnites Tru-Fit, I’ve been putting Tena Pads in them as well as Pampers and Target brand baby diapers. I’ve been a very good girl this last month or so when it comes to wearing.

RK_Picture 11Tubs and tubs like these, all mixed diapers I plan to use in videos, diapers for special occasions, ones that are too rare or I’m too nostalgic to wear or throw away. I’m not a nappy hoarder by any means, but I do have a little museum of crinkles that are rare/unique and will probably never wear. I’ll be slowly making my way through my collection, making videos, testing and occasionally leaking, with the goal being to eventually stick with two or three brands that I continually wear for day/night/playtime. I really dislike not being protected because your only nappies are too valuable, or worrying about getting the full use out of a diaper. These 3 or 4$ a piece diapers don’t cut it for a girl who wears and likes to change as often as I do.

Anyyyyway, I’m going Golfing today, something I haven’t ever done. I’ll keep you posted as to my likes and dislikes as I progress through my massive crinkle stash~ I’m sure some of you have many more, storage units full of Attends, closets and closets full of dresses and plastic pants, I’d love to see some collections! Feel free to link your photos in the comments.

RK_IMG_0975Thanks for reading, my next post is for your ears and I’m pretty excited about it. And not to worry, even though I have been wearing pull-ups I always end back up in thick pampers like the Northshore Cares above. Feeling good, plenty of diapers and soft moments in my future. Happy thoughts ❤

Riley K,

Today’s Song – Madlib – “Movie Finale”


First off, bloggy type post about real life today, plans and the future and stuff! Second off, I thought you were working on your sugar problem Breakfast Cereal, but it seems like you’re back to the sack and hitting it pretty hard. We’re here to help, we love you cereal, but this is too much for us to take.


Seriously, those are cartoon babies eating this, I couldn’t imagine feeding this to an baby, or especially a little. I’ve seen how excitable some littles get when they get all sugared up, and it’s hard to contain someone who’s in a footy sleeper, littles can be quite squirmy and wormy. I suppose a harness would help or maybe something that they can’t run in, only waddle.

I’m out and about, living life in WNY now that the snow has melted. It actually snowed 2 days ago which is ridiculous for late April, especially after 3 years in the constant warmth of LA. I realized that I’ve been here in WNY for 5 months now, and to be completely honest, haven’t done much in terms of advancing my future. I needed a break, to get some dentistry done, to restart my transition and get with a real hormone doctor. I’ve been mostly successful with all that, feel positive about my direction but the time has flown by and I need to make better use of it.

I’ve also set myself up to start therapy, though I haven’t started it yet. I have also been considering school. These are things that I tried in the past, but never found an environment that clicked. I would likely start at a Junior College and have never been terribly good at studying/tests, though I’m probably better at it now that when I was in school last (which was nearly a decade ago). I still like the idea of getting some sort of social or psychological certification, and it’d be fun to meet new people and take some classes in Film, Drama, Design, whatever piques my interest. I can still cam, blog, and goto school at the same time, and potentially get SRS all at the same time.

That’s the plan of moving to NY honestly. I did LA and the porn/waitress/extra thing for a while, realized how unsatisfying and fleeting it all was (also smoggy, and the people are all phonies, no one reads, everything has cilantro on it…), wanted to get back to my creative roots and writing and slow down a bit. I wasn’t hardly transitioning for a long time there, I quit for porn for a while, I quit because I couldn’t get a doctor, I quit because I was disillusioned or drinking or depressed. I don’t know what I was thinking, and this move to NY was/is yet another turning point in my life. I’m convinced it’s for the best.

So that’s that, just some thoughts and plans, who knows what the future will hold? I was going to post some crinkle pics at the end of this, but it got all serious so I’ll just leave you with the song I’m listening to as I type this, I don’t know if there’s a higher meaning to “Debaser” being the song of the day. I’ll let you decide. Thanks for listening, I’ll flesh out some of these ideas in my next posts, which I’m going to write right now ❤


Riley K.

Song of the Day: The Pixies – “Debaser”

thick nappy archive

I’ve been looking through photos of recent adventures and happened upon these crinkly little memories ~ Basically, I traveling and had gone out in my diapers and unitard and on arrival to my destination I was put in plastic pants for an enema and a nap. This sequence of hotel-room photos tells that story, Riley clothed, Riley disrobed, and finally Riley snuggly and submissive. Submissive little Riley in 9 easy steps.

I hope the format of the photos is working out for you, hope they are easy to access and quick to load. I’d like to post some explicit content, as this series of enema photos goes a bit further that shown here… Any recommendation for good places to post adult content? I’ll likely just use Imgur for pics and gifs, and DPRTube or Pornhub for videos. I’ve lost so much content to flagging over the years and it’d be nice to post stuff with confidence. I still worry about losing another youtube account.

Regardless of all that, here’s some cute nappy pictures, just a topless babygirl with a full diaper ❤

Riley K ~

Today’s Song – Kimya Dawson – “My Rollercoaster”

Red Dress and ATN’s

Hello! This is Riley and today I have some pics and thoughts for you!

I have been thinking about the FAQ page and a potential “Support” page. I sometimes get visitors who are very new to AB/DL stuff and I’d like to direct them to some basic ideas, like understanding.infantilism.org or Scarleteen.net. I’m also making a link list, so if there’s a site, service, blog anything that you’d recommend, I’ll gladly add it. Just comment below or use the Contact page!

These are a bit older photos that I found, I was on a trip and bought a new dress, I couldn’t wait for a nappy change to try it on. I’ve only worn it once since, but I’ll be sure to find myself out in my little red dress here soon now that all the snow has melted. Hope you like the pictures, and I’m in Medium Tranquility ATN’s 🙂

Always thinking ahead, the little girl bought a summer dress in winter ~

Riley K.