Enemas 101 – Diaper University

New video! I talk allllll about Enemas and say “Bowel Movement” about a dozen times.

I know it’s been a little while since my last video, I tried a few things and none of it worked… but I got over it, took a day and made a few new videos. This first one is a follow up to my other Diaper University videos discussing some of the basics of Enemas. Next up will be an Unboxing video for the two Enema bags seen in the video followed by an unboxing of the Lovense Hush Plug.

And editors note, it’s “Averse” not “Adverse” and I never mentioned Plastic Pants, a must-have for enemas.

And much more importantly… I have nothing against anyone who messes their diapers, I want to make that super clear. There might even be video evidence out there of me doing the same (and once in a straightjacket). I do downplay that aspect of AB/DL to “outsiders” but I have never been dishonest about it, and I hope my record speaks for itself on how I feel about respecting peoples kinks, even if they “squick” me. Just wanted to make that clear, I love dry littles, wet littles and messy littles all the same 😛 (and I love middles and bigs and etc. etc, lets all cuddle!)

More video tomorrow, thanks for all the kind comments and a huge hug and thanks to HW ❤

❤ ❤ ❤

The Most Boring Pain

CW: Trans and “passing” stuff.

Running start…

I remember being 17 at an In-N-Out burger, I was a Senior in HS, hanging out with my friends and not “Out” in any way. I had just started growing my hair out past my shoulders and starting to self-actualize, I didn’t really have words to put to my feelings, was I gay, was I a crossdresser, or was I something else?

Well, it seemed other people made some realizations for me, be it the queer girls I would date or in this situation the guys gatekeeping the mens room. I remember walking towards the bathroom at this In-N-Out and seeing an older man walking out, he sees me entering and does a triple take, looking at me then the MEN on the door, then back at me, back at the door etc… It’s like that old colonial fairy tale about Indigenous people not being able to see the ships on the horizon because those tall masted Galleons were beyond their comprehension. This guy saw right through me, his mind boggled at the idea that I was assigned male. Through the blur that has been my life, that moment remains crystal clear in my memory.

I write this because after that moment there have been thousands of experiences like this. I still get Sir’d if i’m slummin’ it (I’m getting laser hair removal so that helps), but 99% of the time I get ma’am’d these days. Plus my paperwork’s legit, most importantly I have a US Passport with an F on it, an essential tool for any mass traveling transgirl like myself. Kentucky might argue that I’m not a woman if only NY says so, I have a better chance of not getting treated like an M if the highest ID in the land says F. This sounds paranoid, but people can get arrested for nonsense and end up as a woman in a male jail, it happens and we have to watch ourselves. Another reason why anybody who thinks being transgender is to “gain privilege” can go eat a rock.

Coming around to my point, I’ve spent the better part of the last 2 days at the DMV and there was some of The Most Boring Pain. It came from one person who wanted to see my birth certificate (the one document I haven’t changed) because they “needed to confirm my gender marker”. I was livid, my gender markers should have never been brought up, it says F on all my paperwork. I looked super cute and have never met this person before, so I can only imagine they knew me from porn or TV, they seemed to recognize me on some level.

After waiting for a number of hours (no appointments available) I get this flack. I likely would have made a scene if it weren’t completely packed in the DMV, if I were to raise my voice everyone in town would have likely heard. I did mutter that it was “fucking ridiculous”, but I felt so caged in I basically couldn’t defend myself. I still feel a little out of place around all these Pennsylvanians, I’m used to the warm, comforting misery of a big city DMV, the diversity of lifestyles is a comfort to those of us who are potential targets of discrimination.

I resolved everything today, i’ll skip the boring details but I spoke to the right people and was able to get everything I need bigotry free today. Now I have to worry about some jerk who has potentially seen some of my paperwork and name, just another footstep behind me, reason to watch my back. This isn’t getting in the paper and no institutional changes will be made, it just took me 2 days to achieve what would take any other woman half a morning, simply because some guy decided to pick on me. Such is life.

It’s The Most Boring Pain because it’s been roughly 17 years since that door at In-N-Out, half my goddamn life, and this still happens, still having the same arguments about validity. Some of that is my fault, for not staying consistent with things over the years and going places without an entourage etc, but some of that is unavoidable. It does feel like at times I’m being continuously punished for my mistakes, but that’s just a way to describe life in general. I suppose my hope has always been to see a world in which “passing” doesn’t matter and people don’t put so much weight on these labels. I believe that world is coming, and it’ll come off as quaint, telling young people about all the shit we pre-2000’s transpeople got. That’s my hope at least.

I’m writing this not to discourage other people from being their true selves, I always fear that I’m over sensationalizing the negative aspects sometimes, I just wanted to put some truth out about the day to day of being trans. It may seem like the power here lies in the government to jerk me around or in individuals to make things difficult, but that’s not real power. The real power, the strength in this world is not in those who weigh others down, but those who rise up against them, if only by being themselves.

To them I say, behold the strength of somebody living their authentic life. You may go out of your way to put walls up but I will push through every single one of them. Our spirits will break barriers for future generations, to make a world where every room will have allies. So when I face this adversity, I know I’m part of a long chain that will eventually break, as long as theirs people standing up for what’s right.

So thank you to all the allies and to my brothers, sisters and non-binary kin, after venturing into the 9th ring which is the DMV, I know I have people that support me and my journey. Big hugs.

I wrote a big

I wrote a big emotional post about a trip to the DMV (will post tonight) but these pictures don’t really fit with the theme, so here’s a bunch of pics!!! Actually, I really hope I never have pics that evoke “Bad trip to the DMV”… more stuff soon, sending the biggest hugs!

Pics are the new and old goodnites and some filming fun 🙂

Fap Stories

Does anyone else read those really cheesy ABDL stories? Ones with those plots involving nurses diapering college students, strict institutions that enforce 24/7 diapering, ones with lines like “If you’re going to act like a baby, we’ll treat you like one!”

I’ve seen many, and even the one-hand typed ones with Sporadic capitalization or misspelings have evoked some excitement from me. I have a strong motivation to write some smut, but I don’t want to overthink it at first, maybe I’ll just write some absolute cheesecake, fan service, the kind of things I like to read. Throw out any expectations of serious character development or commentary on life, rather just write a bunch of paragraphs of…

~~ She could feel the diaper swelling up, “3 stops left” she muttered to herself, wondering if she’d make it home without flooding her diapers. Her housematron said she’d lose pull-up privileges if she leaked and she dreaded that, after the other girls teased that she would be back in thick diapers and plastic pants no more than one day after regaining her training pants privileges ~~

Writing that made me happy. I need to get in a big thick diaper, put on some good music and write kinky little stories of places where underwear’s not allowed and the first warning is always an enema.

Some of the one’s I see fairly front and center are ones that involve people of inappropriate ages, with clear references to “Jeremy was a sophmore in high school” or whatever, and I shan’t be doing that for obvious reasons. I was pretty surprised to see how much of that stuff there is on these sites, I suppose it falls under art, though it’s not like Vladimir Nabokov is writing these. I don’t plan or endorse any smutty stories that use minors, and frankly I didn’t feel that distinction would be necessary until I started randomly googling stories 😦

I did have an idea about an androgynous ingenue getting lovingly passed around by miners or sailors or whatever, like a sexual version of Liv Tyler in Armageddon, but that’s different and everybody will always be over 18 in my stories.

I’m talking about getting inspiration from Armageddon, so I should step away fro now. I have two big potatoes in the oven and some sun dried tomatoes and cheese que’d up, gonna have a big yummy dinner and watch Singin’ in the Rain, good night had by all 🙂

Hope you have a great night, more stuff soon! Feel free to chime in on the comments about who/what/where you like to read, or if this sort of content would be of interest to you. I’m thinking samples to start and then weekly chapters of on going stories and one-off editions, likely supported by a Patreon or something similar. Lots of ideas, putting them into action as I focus more and more on being the best babygirl content creator I can be!

Big hugs, hope you like these random crinkle pictures from my Twitter. I think these are all Betterdry pics 🙂


Oof. It’s been quite a tough few weeks but I’m coming out the other side, it’s not all bad or anything, just life challenges, relationship challenges, work challenges etc… but it’s all part of the recent exciting stuff happening, I’m just a little physically worn out. I did just get laser and that makes me hide a little bit as well as my face is out of sorts for a few days after.

Sitting here writing this, have the Senate trial playing on my phone. Trying not to get bugged out by politics, I did my bit this month for local politics and that’s where my attention lies for now. I’ve just been blah… I don’t know if it’s this deep winter, or just exhaustion due to so much happening at once… I haven’t even told you the big news yet.

I did visit my Doctor, and I got my hormones situation figured out, i’ll be taking Estradiol tabs and a low dose of Spironolactone. I’ll be starting to take them again very soon and I’ll be documenting as much as I can. Much more on this in the coming weeks.

I feel optimistic and babytrans about all this, I am convinced I’ll stay on them and have faith I’ll be able to stay consistent, works towards affording SRS, and just “get over” the medical/surgical part of my affirmation, if that’s the right word to use here. As I’ve said, my mindset of all the medical stuff is probably best spelled out here, I tried to paraphrase just now but some things can’t really be summed up that easy.

So I’m off to make a yummy dinner and get some rest, hope you like the cute little goodnites pictures, i’m gonna snuggled up in a Northshore (or BetterDry, the bears haven’t decided yet) and have a good night ❤ Hugs!

Loooooooong week.

Hi there friends! It’s been a long last 10 days or so. I won’t go into detail, but I’ve had elections, sick Mom, laser hair removal, custom videos and phone chats, been a very busy babygirl. Things are better now, and I have one last hump (Doctor appointment today) then i’ll finally be able to take a breath and get some much needed rest followed by do some bloggy/video stuff. I’ve been really kicking butt on my Manyvids site (http://bit.ly/MVKinky) and am really trying not to go 10 days without posting on here, so pardon my delay, I’ll make it up to you 🙂

So today there’s not much to say other than LOOK AT THESE CUTE DIAPER PICS 😛 😛 😛

I did just take a bunch of super-cute pics and videos that i’ll be sharing shortly, excited to! Hope everyone’s feeling warm and handling this hectic new year with the best of their abilities 🙂 Hugs, more stuff soon!

Adult Cloth Diapers 102

New video! Adult Cloth Diapers 102 – Diaper University

Just a little “haul” video, talking about some tips and ideas, as well as showing off my collection and wearing every diaper in the video at once, making me a very poofy girl.

Audio fun and tons of pics coming soon. Still haven’t decided on next weeks video… Perhaps a Northshore Megamax review? Thanks for reading!

Phantasies pt. 1

In a recent post, I talked about the realistic aspects of my diapered journey, the logistics of being a 247 diaper user. Today we’re going to swing far to the other end of the spectrum, and discuss some of my deepest fantasies, some of them unreasonable/impossible/only do-able with trained professionals, so don’t take this too seriously. I have done so many kinky, beautiful things with kinky, beautiful people, far beyond what I could have imagined, though I still have some things I’d like to do and have done to me. So, here’s some more imagining, fashioned as a serious of short smutty stories.

This is gonna get pretty graphic so put on your raincoat and goggles and we’ll begin. Let’s start off light, with a quiet winter morning in a suburban PA home…


A little squirell jumps onto the roof making a squirrely sound that wakes a dreaming Riley. She’d worn her thick Betterdry diapers to bed last night, she usually wets a few times in the morning before showering and starting the day so it’s nice to wake up in diapers. She calls them her bedwetting diapers, even though she’s never done it naturally save for a couple nights after too many drinks, but she was never diapered for those.

Riley is used to the squirrels, so she slowly lets the day unfold itself, she squints, feels the soft stuffed bunny she held all night. Riley shifts herself around, feeling the warmth of her footy sleeper, the bed and comforters and after reaching down, the warm wetness of her diapers.

“Did I wet my diapers before bed last night?” Riley thought, but she remembers going to bed dry and doesn’t remember waking and wetting in the middle of the night as she often does. Feeling the outside of what is a clearly soaked diaper, Riley realizes that after all these years of being diapered, she finally had an accident in her sleep. Her thumb immediately moves to her mouth, she squeezes the bunny as tight as she can, and a little tear runs down her cheek.

You’re a bedwetter Riley, you’ve soaked your diapers in your sleep and will need to be thickly diapered yo bed from here on out. Just continue to suck your thumb and feel your soggy diapers, you’ll have to get used to waking up wet… these thoughts ran through Riley’s head as she slowly drifted in and out of an early morning dreamy state, she wet her wet diapers a few more times that morning as she often does, got cleaned up and into a fresh diaper for work. She casually put an order in for another case of the Betterdry’s, just part of her routine in life, a bedwetting girl should have her bedwetting diapers.

At work, everyone was extra friendly, likely due to Riley’s bigger than usual smile today. One customer said she was “glowing” today, Riley smiled and answered “I had a goodnight, and an even better morning” and walked away with a spring in her step and a diaper on her butt, the happiest little bedwetter in the world 🙂


Thanks for reading, i’ll be posting Audio versions of this and another previous post tomorrow. More stuff soon 🙂

Adult Cloth Diapers 101

New Video! I talk all about Adult Cloth Diapers, their various uses and styles and a little about maintenance. I’ll be posting a Adult Cloth Diapers 102 video soon showing off my whole collection!

Thanks for watching! More pics and fun soon!