
Hey there! Hope all is well to my East Coast friends! I’m safely cuddled up in upstate NY. I have a firewire set-up here, so expect to see some stuff soooons 🙂 Be safe, and I wish you well!

Quick little update from the streets of NYC. More stuff soon ❤
4:00 am – I had just left a dungeon event in Manhattan to a torrential downpour. I didn’t think it was going to rain, if only there was some sort of channel for weather information. I’ll add “don’t forget to bring an umbrella” to my stuff I’ve learned in NYC list.
I’m so glad to still feel wonder for where I live, the people I meet, and the opportunities I have. Fuck yeah life!


4:00 am – I had just left a dungeon event in Manhattan to a torrential downpour. I didn’t think it was going to rain, if only there was some sort of channel for weather information. I’ll add “don’t forget to bring an umbrella” to my stuff I’ve learned in NYC list.

I’m so glad to still feel wonder for where I live, the people I meet, and the opportunities I have. Fuck yeah life!


4:00 am – I had just left a dungeon event in Manhattan to a torrential downpour. I didn’t think it was going to rain, if only there was some sort of channel for weather information. I’ll add “don’t forget to bring an umbrella” to my stuff I’ve learned in NYC list.

I’m so glad to still feel wonder for where I live, the people I meet, and the opportunities I have. Fuck yeah life!