Thank You For Donating to the LunaCancerFund!


Updates coming soon, If you donated and don’t use GFM messaging, feel free to reach out to my contact form on the site! Thanks friends, donations are appreciated, if you couldn’t donate it’s because of some admin issues when sharing control of the GFM, it should be up now!

Thank you again, for now Luna’s focusing on good health and pain management. The donations have been sent to her family and are going towards her daily needs! I am home now so I am not as engaged as I have been the last few weeks, we have been focusing on care and will keep you as posted, with privacy and comfort being the most important focus. Happy thoughts to everyone who’s helped, another huge thank you from me and the bears!!!!

Happy weekend, thanks so much friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Taking a Break

Hi friends, I’m going to be taking a break from this website for my health and safety. I deactivated my RileyBBQ Twitter and will continue posting to my paysites. Thank you for all the positivity and warmth. I just need some time.


it’s a hell of a town

Hi friends! I am off to NY to take care of a very special little girl for the next week.

Here’s some random cute pics!

New Video on too!

Thanks friends, slow updates this week but will keep you posted on how Luna & I are doing :):) Hugs and thanks for all the donations so far, you are amazing!!

6 Tape Depend Correction & The Value of Human Error

Hey friends! New video talking about how completely wrong I was about the 6 Tape Depend!

It turns out the bag that I got was part of a recent product roll-out that wasn’t super successful, so the plastic covered 6 tape depend are here to stay!

I also have a little chat about a recent A.I. related incident, it kinda opened my eyes to how irresponsible people can be with A.I. and how common it can be.

Next video is about the Immature Shorts!!! Pics from the faire tomorrow!

I am seeing positive momentum with my healing, feeling ok ๐Ÿ™‚ Hugs friends!