B is for bedwetting

Hey there diaper fans, here is yet another review. In this post I talk about the “B is for Bedtime” bedwetting diapers. They’re only available at Raleys or Bel-Air, and they are about the quality you’d expect from a generic bedtime pull-up. As I write this, i’m wearing a Size 6 Baby-Dry inside a B for Bedtime pant inside a Depend and it makes for a very nice bulky diaper! The wetness liner on the Depend is hardly phased and I’ve been wetting it for a while now.

2 things I wanted to mention: I got my first donation through paypal from a very kind fan, thank you again! I also have put up my Amazon wishlist on the right side of the page, you can order me various things like diapers and plastic pants, if you order me anything I’ll send you private pics of me showing them off for you. The thing I need the most are the bedwetting sheets, but anything would be just great.

Check out the review and more to come!

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Well here’s another review! I compare the Pampers Cruisers Size 7 and the Baby Dry size 6, both in absorbency and fit. The Cruisers come out on top in absorbency and style, but the Baby Drys fit a little bit better and can stretch more so they fit a bigger waist, and have a very cute smell to them. This is just from my experiences, so have some fun and try them for yourselves! one thing i forgot to mention is that the Baby Drys also have less of that fluff inside, so cutting them for stuffers makes less of a less, but they’re less absorbent so it’s kinda a catch-22.
I’ve been getting tons of E-mails about comic books, it seems most of my readers like them just as much as they like cute diapered girls! My 3 favorite comic experiences of all time have been…
1.) Sandman – If you can put in the time, read the whole series. It’s based on the people who watch over humans, and all our mythology (Shakespearean, Greek, Christian etc.) has some bearing on their reality. It’s very mature and covers tough issues like suicide and aids while keeping the reader enthralled with the deep characters and sometimes horrifying story lines.
2.) Watchmen – I read through the entire collection of this series as one volume in an entire evening, I couldn’t go to sleep until I knew what happened. This dark and bleak novel of retired superheroes has more social commentary than action, you’ll understand why this is a very good thing. It’s on Time Magazines Top 100 Novels of all time list, so if that’s proof enough to check it out.
3.) The Maxx – Violent, comical, convoluted and hopeless are just a few words to describe this story of a homeless superhero and his scantily clad free-lance social worker savior. If you can’t get a hold of the books, check out the series that originally aired on MTV. This show was a huge influence during my childhood, as was another MTV great, Sifl and Olly
So, that’s my summary of great comic book loves in my life, I’m not huge into them but have read quite a few. So, I hope you enjoy the diaper review, and good night, and good luck.

::video taken down::

Oh yeah, also, this… Cruisin’ Together


Here’s something new! I recently downloaded a great Japanese diaper punishment video but due to my unilingual handicap I could not truly enjoy the video. So I wrote my own subtitles using Aegisub. This is by no means a translation and is probably not even close to the original version. It was pretty arduous to make and is my first attempt at subtitling something other than my own projects. If you like this blog you’ll probably like the video, feel free to share the link to this post with anyone interested.

It’s relatively easy to get the subtitles to work and there’s a readme in the .zip file I’ve uploaded. The file is 168 Megabytes and about 24 minutes long. Click the Megarotic link below, put in the 3 character code, endure the 45 second wait time and then click “Free Download”. I hope you enjoy this video and tell me what you think!

Batman Review #4325325

This is the diapered crusader, Riley, here to lay down her thoughts an opinions about something that she should have over 3 months ago ‘The Dark Knight’ I went to see this tonight at the local IMAX theatre, and I have to say, I was very satisfied. When I heard Heath Ledger was going to play my 2nd favorite batman villain (Bane being the first) I was giddy with excitement, and his death added a new degree of anticipation. Aaron Eckhart has always had a place in my heart since he made one of the most offensive and flat-out moral less films i have been privy to, “In The Company Of Men”, so I was dually excited when I heard he would portray Harvey Dent, or those who haven’t spent as much time in the pages of DC as myself, Two-Face. Needless to say, I was excited.

And it all came through, I am used to being disappointed by my favorite franchises (Punisher, Hitman, Resident Evil) but the recent batch of comic book re-inventions have been increasingly satisfying (Iron Man, Sin City, Hellboy 2) creating a sense of hope in the comic book adaptation market. Cillian Murphy and Christian Bale have always been touch myself material for years, and teaming them up in Batman Begins was golden, let alone the fact that it was a great movie. I lacked skepticism that Dark Knight would meet every expectation.

A friend told me to make sure to use the restroom before seeing this one, so I made sure to wear a Tranquility All-Through-The-Night for this, and I would have been disappointed to miss a frame of it. The IMAX translation of this film was better than any I have seen before, switching almost seamlessly from full-screen to the original aspect ratio so you enjoy the epic scope of the wide shots while still retaining the artistic quality of the dialogue scenes, IMAX has made leaps and bounds since their recent entry into the poplar film market, we all remember that 5 years ago all you could see were short form documentaries about roller coasters and sea turtles.

It’s tough to review a movie that you have to see to believe, so I won’t mention the cinematography or writing or any of that usual review noise… If you haven’t seen it yet, see it! If you have, see it at IMAX if you can handle the $14.00 ticket and if not there’s always Blu-Ray. I do have some fan-girl gripes about it, but that’s for a later time and another blog. Thank you Christopher Nolan for the messed up nightmares you’ve provided me in the past and for the ones I’m sure to have in the next couple nights, I wouldn’t ask for any less.

Retro Riley pt. 2

Here’s a video that some of you might have seen before, but it’s an oldie but goody. It’s an enema video, more “graphic” than anything you’ve seen from me before, but it’s not too gross or anything. This was back before I was brave enough to show my face. More videos like this soon, and more of this content to those who donate, I’ve still yet to receive any sort of donations from anyone and I do put a lot of time and effort into this blog, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop anytime soon either. A lot of my readers I’m sure are worried enough about their own financial situation to cater to mine, so continue to enjoy my ad-free site and donate when you can, if you can.

Here’s the link to the file, it’s a free download through RapidShare. Please don’t post the video anywhere else, but feel free to share the Rapidshare link.


More stuff soon!


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Retro Riley

Hey there true believers! This is your friend Riley, with a new-to-you video. This is definitely not one of my better ones, but it kind of gives you an idea of what’s in store once I get a new battery charger.

I shot this video in 2005, it was one of my firsts and I never showed it to anyone. I had a cute little haircut back then but unfortunately i have an ugly look on my face because I’m all scrunched up in that corner. I also was really into socially conscious hip-hop back then and unfortunately left my Winamp on. I didn’t want to edit out the sound because those crinkles are just about the best part, but i’m sure there’s very few little girls that listen to Talib Kweli.

So, enjoy the video. Pampers Cruisers Size 7 photo’s sooooon!

::HDD Crash::

haves and have nots

If you’re reading this, you probably already know just how awesome diapers are. If you’re one of my non-diapered friends or family, you probably know how much they mean to me, and can understand what they mean to the AB/DL community at least by association. But, life is constantly in flux and there are times that even the most dedicated diaper fan doesn’t feel comfortable wearing or just can’t enjpy these fantastic undergarments. Here’s a personal list of occasions when diapers get the backseat to life.

1.) Working out : I run and ride my bike, and the sun is the biggest enemy of diaper lovers.Anyone that hates cloth backed diapers hasn’t used gas-free transportation or done serious physical activities in a diapered state. I may be a bit of a masochist, but diaper rash is no fun, and a hot diaper is like a forward time machine for turning wetness into ammonia just like microwaves are a reverse time machine for bread. On the topic of bread, if you get your kicks out of yeast infections (there are people, wetset forums are a dark, dark place) run a mile in Arizona with a wet diaper. The solution for this is doing less intense but still effective workouts, such as pilates.

2.) Family: My grandmother passed recently and the emotion of that kicked me out of my 24/7 schedule. I spent quite some time around close and distant relatives, and there was a great deal of extended hugging involved. I don’t care to let my family know about this lifestyle choice and I’m sure it would just add to the confusion and stress of the situation. So I had to use the bathroom pretty often because my bladder had shrunk in the time I had been relying on diapers, but whatever, I wasn’t in the mood but I also knew that after grieving I would return to the behavior that I so dearly enjoyed. I’ve always had issues with this kind of situation when it comes to pursuing incontinence, but if I dedicated myself enough to really NEED diapers, then I’m sure my family would either accept it or just not bring it up. Most people are respectful about what’s their business and what’s not their business, especially at a funeral.

3.) Hospitals/Medical Emergencies : The last thing you think about when your wrist is shattered is kinky stuff. I think I’ve said enough.

4.) Hugging: I get tons of hugs. If I see an old friend on the street, we hug. If I kick-ass at “Teenage Riot” by Sonic Youth on RockBand, hugs all around. If a yelling match has ended with someone I care about, it ends with a hug. Hugs are a big diaper giveaway, especially if your wearing something really fluffy. I was always afraid of running into somebody and totally giving myself away by a quick hug, or offending them by denying a hug or giving a really crappy middle school bend-at-the-waist hug. Luckily, thinner diapers like Goodnites are hug-approved, but its kinda confusing for a non-AB/DL to hear a crinkle during a hug, and even if they know you’re diapered, it still can be strange. This is something I’m still having trouble getting over, and is definitely high up on my diapered paranoia list.

5.) This nursing video about incontinence

This isn’t as negative as a post as it seems. First off the above video is both hilarious and depressing at the same time, and second the fun of wearing diapers is that you CAN wear them in even the most dire situations if you do need them, be it for peace of mind or for actual protection. To conform to any situation, you just have to do the proper preparation both mentally and physically, such as cutting down on the baby-powder for hug filled ceremonies and double up on powder for workouts. Find your own methods, and if you can get away with it just feign incontinence. Unfortunately, that’s a little tough for a certain Riley that’s got her face all over the internet. I’ve closed doors for myself by doing this blog, but I very much hope I’ve opened some for others. Love to all my readers, and thanks for checking up on my little corner of the world.

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New Wave Riley

Here’s a film I made in 2006 for the Sacramento Film and Music Festivals 10×10 (make a movie in 10 days) challenge. The topic was “Love, Loss, Redemption and the Afterparty” and my video was recognized in the “Best Of” Issue of the Sacramento News and Review. I’ll post the review once I can find it. I’ve edited out my given name to protect my privacy, other than that it’s totally intact.


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