twitterpated 2: narcissistic tendencies

Hey again! I’m back home, crinkly in my sleeper. I said my last goodbye to the summer with a friend on a rooftop in Brooklyn last night, i’m ready for cold and cuddly weather, blanket weather ❤ I'm just sitting down to share some more twitter pictures with you, I'll have something else for you in my next post. Enjoy, part two of my rehashing old twitter posts, we'll talk about my little fun week (a few months ago) of comrades, cribs and crinkles!

July 7th
Having a cute hair day while checking out NYC law schools w/ visiting friend, crinkled my way through a library or two

A friend was staying with me while visiting NYC, she was on a mission to get visuals on schools she’s interested in. We took this on the outdoor balcony overlooking Borough Hall, I’m not sure if I like this one because my hair looks cute or if it’s because I was spending time with someone that made me feel really attractive. I was in a medium ATN at that point, which if you don’t know is just about the crinkliest diaper around, that’s one of my favorite things about them. The sound of crinkles makes me really happy, especially muffled under my sleeper… I imagine if I was a catgirl I would feel the same way about the bell around my neck. Regression is a multi-sensory thing for me, and sound is one of my favorite senses, so of course I love crinkles! It signifies that you’re in disposables or plastic panties (or both) and I’ve also been saying “I’m crinkly” as opposed to “I’m diapered”
I usually don’t care about my crinkly nature since NYC is about 80 dB everywhere and it really is hardly noticeable in most situations, and a law library wouldn’t be one of those situations. We had tour passes and were free to roam and needless to say, more than one person looked up from their studies to see what that crinkly sound was. My friend supports the pro-littles agenda but isn’t very bold or experienced with diapers, i’m thinking now she might have been as embarrassed as me. I’ll add “really quite rooms” to places to worry about when diapered.

July 8th
Nice to be upstate for a few days, I missed my nursery! 24/7 crinkly until I get back to the hotness of NYC 

My crib is one of the most special things in the world to me – It’s so comfy and lovely and I get the best sleep in it. I still visit Buffalo often and the nursery is still intact… I still miss it, but I had to do the city thing, that place kinda feels like my hometown on this coast, it’s where I first started, I have good memories there. When I’m around the nursery I generally stay diapered, I wear goodnites when I go out and ATN’s or cloth or something else thick when i’m home 🙂

July 10th
sonic rainboom from yesterday’s space launch 

I just love this picture. Bill Nye said the space shuttle program ending was a good thing and I agree, as long as something as cool as this comes out of it

July 10th
Missing NYC, nice to relax/shoot in the nursery, hangout with my upstate friends, but I want to play in the city 🙂

I must have been feeling kinda lonely, which happens in the suburbs for me… I feed off of the energy of a big city, off of the constant approval keeps me happy and constant disapproval keeps me motivated, the sounds and people and relevance and tall buildings! I do love the wilderness, and the suburbs have their advantages, the city is just a great source of inspiration… not a forever thing but perfect for right now.

This was at Folsom Street Fair, I wore my diapers and little Hello Kitty Shortalls – mostly dudes, the San Francisco one had more cisgender girls/transpeople and over the top fetish stuff.

this video goes with it also, it’s not very good but you can see my boooobs 😛

July 11th
Ahhh, so lovely to wake up in my crib again 🙂  

A good friend gave me this little snoopy shirt and plastic pants… I still leak all the time, it’s so tough! If I sleep overnight in my crib it’s always plastic sheets and usually plastic panties just in case.

July 12th 
Guess what kind of video I’m about to make 🙂  

I made the video, only 2 people have seen it. It’s quite the video. #NSFA

July 12th
Me and my bear on an overnight back to NYC 🙂

My bear is also another very valued possession for me, I loves bear so much, so cuddly and wonderful and makes a great pillow and squishes down small if need be and likes traveling with me. I have other stuffys, but bear is my pal. we’ve been through a lot together 🙂
More stuff soon! I’ll be elaborating on some of these points on later posts, more stuff soon internet!<3


Good morning Internet! It’s a lovely, overcast Tuesday morning here in the Bronx, it probably won’t be by the time I’m done with this post, I’m probably going to write for a while, I have a whole morning free ❤ I’m feeling good, had a good day at the DMV changing my stuff yesterday, got my SRS letter from my doctor, I’m happy and healthy, alive, I hope you are too! *no offense to my zombie readers

Now that you’re here, let’s have a little chat, shall we? Nothing serious, just some thoughts… then pics 🙂

I know I need to post more, if you’ve been following this blog for a while now you know there’s an ebb and flow to my posting over the years, long silences etc. I need to push myself during the times when I lack motivation or have conflicting feelings, if I just don’t feel like writing or if I judge my writing too harshly. I’ve been kinda lazy, posting on Twitter instead of taking the time to really construct my thoughts and feelings into an actual post. It’s so easy to do the little single-serving updates, nice to get the little bits of attention, but it’s not the same as actually writing something or making a video. I can’t deny the catharsis that this little corner of the Internet provides me, how I can reflect off the views of my friends and followers and share my thoughts, insecurities, successes and failures. This blog has quite literally kept me alive over the last few years, it’s kept me motivated, it’s blessed me with meeting some really great people and continues to be a necessary creative outlet.

One of the most common e-mails I’ve been getting lately I’ve been getting E-mails wishing that I should post more, and I will. The negative influences have kinda moved on so I’m not dealing with compromised accounts or flagging as I was immediately after the show came out. I’m not as paranoid about what I post about, I can be a little more transparent, open. The e-mails and attention got a bit overwhelming at a point and instead of hating it, I just backed away for a hot second… I have such lovely things to show you since we last spoke 🙂 I think i’ve spent enough time reiterating all of this, lets move on to the reason why we’re all here… cute diaper pics 🙂

Lately I’ve been all over the place, exploring the city, networking, filming, organizing with others, experiencing a ton of stuff, and I’ve been crinkly most of the time. I’ve been tweeting about some of my diapered adventures on my @RileyBBQ account. I know me reliving my old twitter posts sounds really exciting, but it’ll be fun, lets step into the wayback machine and I’ll share some pics and contexts 🙂

Let’s start when I first moved to NYC…

May 28th
goodbye for now crib, NYC here I come 🙂

I was about to move from my safe but sedentary, little girl world in Buffalo to an artist loft in the Bronx. I was nervous, kinda scared, excited and emotional – this picture was taken moments before I left.
June 4th
Good times with friends then cuddles to come home to 🙂

My roomates’ kitty Fellow hanging out with my bear – I was just starting to realize that Fellow is a maniac. I didn’t know a ton of people in NYC, it was good to have friends to come home to.
June 6th
Admiring my newfound curves while getting dressed up for a namechange clinic that never happened 😦 new post soon!
Crinkly and Curvy ❤
June 10th
leaving to meet with a potential new photographer, exciting 🙂 
staykinky & getting closer to reality 🙂

I’ve met some really cool people since I’ve moved here, the photographer I spoke with at coffee on that day was one of them, we’ve got some good stuff 🙂 I also love my room, it was built days before I moved in, inside of a larger loft, it’s awesome. 

June 10
Cratedigging kitty 🙂 

I love vinyl records, for real, I’m like Gábor Csupó, if the bombs start dropping and I could only save one thing, it would be a few select vinyl records. 
I like kitties too, I like my friends kitty, but not as much as vinyl. Sorry kitty.

I’ll be posting another set tomorrow! I promise! More stuff sooooon ❤

oh here’s a couple more from around the same time 😛 




Hello there friends! I’m here in NYC with my little girl – she’s giving me a ride upstate today, I have the work of the lord to do in Toronto this week and could use some time out of the city. I am tired, I have been running around, doing my thing, trying to survive this lifestyle as an independant. Things are going good otherwise…

good thing – went to the doctor, 100% clean of any STD/STI’s, got my hormones etc – was diagnosed as Anemic (iron deficiancy) and am supplementing with Iron, good excuse to eat red meat, feeling a little bit better, for a while I was really dragging, ignoring my body telling me to slow down.

good thing – excursion to London around Oct. 10th is still on, a number of recent media things have been canceled for various reasons, bad luck/weather but that might be for the best. I’m excited about my next show, and will continue telling my story on here

good thing – after swapping out some RAM and getting a new proccer fan my computer is back in working order. I also recently sold my Canon XH-A1 for something more modern and compact, I miss my HDV camera but needed something that I felt comfortable taking to shows etc – my old camera was the size of my torso. So half of that went to buying a new little AVCHD camera and the other half went to HPV inoculation (good idea for sexually active folks) and other medical bills, this city is expensive

good thing – I’m still single, still kinda floundering, working with a group of avant-garde artists here in the Bronx, hungout with Peaches and crashed the Calvin Klein fashion week tents with mustachio’d topless folks – can’t forget Reverend Billy and #OccupyWallSt protests… I have lots of video to edit/publish and that’s awesome. Not getting a ton of freelance work, struggling but making my mark.

good thing – I’m moving out of my apartment in 40 days. I don’t know where I’m going from there, but I have options and ideas, Los Angeles being one of the better ones.

good thing – I woke up in a crinkly wet diaper this morning, and the weathers allowed me to wear again, feeling little. I have a strong desire to regress at this point, and in my little upstate nursery I hope to find the time/mental state to be able to embrace my little side more. I sometimes feel I’m too cold, too calculating to really be a little girl, but that’s not what others see. Especially when seeing others play the role so well I get really excited about being a little girl… my motivation to do it alone has dwindled… this little girl needs to be kept in her diapers 😛

good thing – I have been changing my fair share of diapers on sissies in the city, I need to legitimize what I do and turn it into taxable income.

good thing – I’ve slowed down on camming – my body is changing and I’m not forcing myself to be sexual when the mood doesn’t strike. My virility is in question as it never has been before, I’m getting closer to non-functioning, and with no plan for SRS that’s kinda scary… at the same time, I’ve always said I like my penis but don’t like erections, and that’s where I’m getting to.

good thing – I got all of my name/gender change information and my court orders, so if I could afford SRS, I have my letter of approval.

Lots of good things, a couple not-so-good things, lack of motivation/overly stressed/relationship with my father has deteriorated to the extent that I doubt we’ll ever speak again… it’s his choice. Those things are small drops in the bucket of my life, not letting them get to me.

More stuff soon, I’ll be doing a livecast from my Nursery sometime this week, I’ll keep you informed. I’ll be posting more, I promise!