Crinkle Bunny!

Big day tomorrow, gonna rest up with my bunny and crinkles, hope everyone is good… I’m watching a little duck make a little nest in front of my house, life is chugging along like normal around here, duckies are oblivious to the world around them, they just go about their ducky days 🙂

Big hugs everyone, super short post tonight, just wanted to send some ducky and bunny love ❤

2 Exciting Stories!

Today I have two stories to share! One from Robin Hood (one of my favorite Disney movies and songs) and one from 101 Dalmatians! I’ve got my bunny sleeper and my snuggle bear and hope you’ll join me for a story 🙂

Lots more stuff coming soon, made a fun new video today on my StayKinky site and have been really digging this editing software. Things are safe here, hope you are too! Hugs and positive thoughts!

Disney Panda!

A while back my little Panda hadn’t been around for a few days, I was looking all over for them and for my old mobile…

Well, after looking and looking I found Panda on the front porch with my phone, Panda was trying to sneak in but got caught in the act. After looking through the pics, I realized the little Panda snuck off to Disney! They must have packed a little Panda bag and went out to see all their cartoon friends. When I first adopted the Panda I was on my way to Disneyworld and wanted a new stuffy friend to snuggle at night. They were always pouty (nothing like a Pouty Panda!) that they couldn’t go in the park, but I told them they had a no-panda-policy. Well, it seems they went to find out for themselves, and though Panda isn’t showing it, they had lots of fun!

I can’t stay mad at the Panda, we all wander sometimes ❤ I just wish they wouldn’t have worried their mommy so much! It’s good to have the Panda back, they’re gonna just snuggle up and get over the jetlag 😛

Hope everyone’s doing good, me and this little tuckered out Panda are going to stay in from the rain and stormy weather, just work on fun videos to share with all the Mamas and Pandas and Bears and Daddies and Littles and Big Baby Pandas and Little Mama Bears and everyone out there 🙂 Big hugs! More silly stuff soon!

Something Old, Something New

First off, if you haven’t seen my “History of Goodnites” video, check it out!!!

Second, I have a new computer, my old one was really limiting my performance and having tons of issues, so I bit the bullet and upgraded. I also have moved to Adobe Creative Cloud for my editing software, so I’m taking some babysteps in learning how that all works and starting from the beginning, really diving into these new tools after having only older versions for so long. I have been taking lots of half-measures with my editing, and I really want to step my game up and make the best videos possible. I have the lights, the computer, will eventually upgrade to a 4k camera, setting up some game streaming stuff for more live fun, exciting interactions up ahead!

So allow me a little time to get comfortable with all this new stuff, setting up my new PC and getting acquainted with my new software, and you’ll be seeing much more from me soon! Thanks so much, and here’s a couple cute babydiaper outtakes from that video 🙂

More stuff very soon! Thanks for everything, hope everyone is well!

The History of Goodnites

New video! Talking all about The History of Goodnites 🙂

This will be the last project I do on Premiere Pro, I’m going to begin using the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, so expect my videos to get a lot cooler and more frequent. I’ve been investing in some really great things to make this blog in my videos as great as possible! Hope you like the video and more stuff soon!

Some Thoughts on Dealing

Just wanted to share a few words from my heart about my personal experiences with Anxiety and Depression. I’d like to share my thoughts more clearly as time goes on, but for now, here’s a little audio about how I deal.

I have much more to say, and while I’d love to find the perfect words they’re not coming to me right now… I just wanted to put out something positive and hopefully bring a little comfort to my fellow crinklers ❤

Anyway… more positive, cute, maybe even sexy pics coming soon… I’ve been in diapers every night and waking feeling healthy and creative… Have lots of fun pics and vids to share with you! More stuff sooooooon, thanks for listening ❤

Sleep of the Ancients

I slept all day today. Sometimes you just need to do that, I cammed this morning for this promotion (which turned out to be BS, like so many Cam Company promos) and spent a good deal of the morning dealing with a missing check etc… just one of those days. I started to see myself get stressed in a bad way, that jittery, frustrated feeling when nothing is going right… so I put my head down and took a 3 hour long nap. I’m trying my best to stay as well fed and well rested as possible, and I would encourage others to do the “forced nap” when you’re feeling overwhelmed. I feel better now 🙂

Anyway, we’ll skip the storytime today, hope that’s ok. Just a couple pics of my crinkly butt 😛 I didn’t wear to bed last night because I knew I’d be getting up and active early, but i’ll be sure to get all snuggly and properly padded tonight 🙂

1st pic is bear reading, then a couple of wet/padded me in the Attends Premiere diapers, then a little bear, playing games, reading and learning how to edit from Mommy… and then a final one of me being all sexy and stuff 😛

A squirrel just jumped on my roof and scared the life out of me while uploading these pics… maybe i’m still a little jittery. Hugs everyone, safety and love ❤ StayDiapered!

365 Storytime – Day 1 (3 Exciting Stories!)

Hi there friends! I wanted to do something positive and smiley, so I’ve dived into my 365 Disney Bedtime Stories and will be sharing them over the next few weeks 🙂

The stories will be labeled “Exciting” and “Bedtime” based on the content/intensity 🙂 Be sure to like and subscribe on Youtube to get updates! I’ll be doing lots of these, so i’m open to constructive criticism… I’ve considered recording some audio-only, let me know if that’d be of interest ~ Thanks for watching, more stories soon!