The Irrepressible Jenny Lewis

I love Jenny Lewis!!!

Many of you probably know her best from the shows “Salute Your Shorts” or the movie “The Wizard” with Fred Savage, that 2 Hour Long Ad for NES and Universal Studios? Jenny Lewis is the girl in this scene (warning: big loud munkey)

She was also in the band “Rilo Kiley” which may sound familiar! I saw her last in concert last night and it was incredible!!!

It was really amazing and I could spend all night gushing about how much of an influence her style and candor and music has been on me. Was so amazing being right up front all night, I was just awestruck 🙂

And check out my latest Daily Vlog here! If you look SUPER carefully, you can see my Goodnites 😛 More on Jenny Lewis and more smiley stuff on my blog tomorrow!!! Been a busy busy girl this summer and it’s only 2 days in!!!

More soon and STAYDIAPERED!!! I’m off to some fun diaper adventures, hope you are too!

Modest Pixie Dreamgirl!

Hey friends!!! I’m a cute soggy bby who loves to dance and be soggy!

I went to go see Modest Mouse & Pixies last night in Philadelphia! It was an incredible show, so many people on the boards have said it was the best MM show in a Decade. Kurt Vile from The War On Drugs came out to play The Way Down with MM, a song they apparently haven’t played live since 2009. It was a fantastic night and MM did a cover of “The Forest” by The Cure, and it was incredible!

Pixies were fantastic and I danced all night! I met a cool new friend and got some great video, my phone has such an incredible zoom! (Samsung S24 Ultra)

I have also been doing the Daily Vlog thing! I have some videos from the concert and I put out a big ol’ sad video talking about my 500 Days post op angst. I’m not going to post that one, but check out the big smiley one i’m doing tomorrow! This is my Daily Vlog Channel Below!

Thanks friends! Lots of good vibes and shows and dancing and smiles ahead! Be sure to check out some more video from that soggy night coming soon!

Be Well & Stay Diapered!!!

Dino Diapers! New PC! Foxes and Rainbows and More!

Hi friends!!! New video and some cute pics!!!

Going to a reallly coool concert tomorrow night! Check out my Daily Vlog for more updates 🙂

First up is my video about the new Kidgets XL Diapers! I will be talking about these more soon, but for now just know they are the biggest “cartoon” print pull-up as of yet. Those weird adult pullups made by Bambino don’t count. Let me know if you’ve ever seen another XL Goodnites Style Diaper with licensed branding like that, as of yet the XL sizes have all been plain. These aren’t super-cutesy, but they do have Dino patterns which is very Underoos.

Sometimes YT pics the perfect little frame for the thumbnails. Also, if you look carefully you might be able to catch a peep of the Fairytale Diaper i’m wearing!

Also Also, Northshore just came out with the “Megamax Lite“, which is the Megamax with less bulk. I was a big fan of the Supreme Lite so i’ll have to review these soon!

Use RILEY5OFF for a $5 Discount on Northshore! All Caps!

Daily Vlog Update! I’m doing a Daily Vlog again to share lots of feelings and adventures and I do lots of interesting stuff and shoot lots of interesting videos but I don’t’ really know where to put them! so I’m getting back into it, I can edit on my phone efficiently now and my computer can crank out new videos fast. I love being able to look back and see where i’ve been and what i’ve done, and I hope you’ll join me again!

Thanks for watching and big hugs friends!!!

Flat Friend Friday

I know it’s Wednesday, but let’s just play pretend for a minute 🙂

Here’s a bunch of really cute pictures! New videos incoming, If you’re looking for my socials they are all gone.

I’m getting a new computer. It’s gonna enable me to create things that i’ve never been able to before. I’m shifting more towards professional video editing and production. It would be nice to just be a name in the credits for a little while. More videos, Faster turnover. I really enjoyed streaming VR and might get back into that.

It’s been a rough week emotionally. Today is a big day emotionally too. I’m gonna spend the whole day in doctors offices, advocating for my friend, A year ago today I got a message from a little girl saying she wanted me to visit her. This last year has been the most intense year of my life, the most difficult to survive.

But here now in this moment, I am okay. Lots of opportunity ahead of me. Still carrying a lot of weight, letting it make me stronger instead of weakening me. I am a survivor.

Have a wonderful Wednesday 💙 Give your stuffy a hug for me 💙


Some Green Adventures in Penns Woods.

Some really cute pics of my new diaper bag, unicorn sheets and metal dress!

Racoon had some fun adventures at the fair!

New heels! These White Jimmy Choos are beautiful but the blue velvet Zanottis, just perfect. I recently went through all My designer shoes to show them off! Be sure to check out my other youtube!

Have a wonderful day! Also, look how big and beautiful my breasts are :):)