Soggy morning!

Hey there friends! Been a super busy couple of weeks, have a new video coming tomorrow and a little video for now 🙂

So i’ve been super quarantining, got back from California in March and haven’t eatin’ at a restaurant or gone really anywhere since. This has been a drastic lifestyle change for me, but it has allowed me some more time to put into my sites, though I haven’t been posting here as much as I’d like. There’s also been some complicated stuff going on in the background of my life but nothing to worry about ❤

Anyway I bring that up because I have been going to the grocery store as soon as it opens, like right after the senior hours, because it’s usually fairly deserted. That also means I usually don’t change my diapers before going, so by the time I’m done I’m usually pretty soaked. That was definitely the case today after waking up fairly soggy, I had one of those nights where I think I woke up for a minute at like 4am and wet and fell right back asleep. I just got up soggy and went shopping while wetting all along the way. I so rarely wear diapers anywhere near capacity, so it was really comforting to be able to have thick enough diapers to not worry about leaks ❤

I’m not going on very many Adventures these days so even a morning out in saggy diaper feels special.

More stuff soon thank you for being patient with me and I have lots of cool stuff to share! Hugs!

5 thoughts on “Soggy morning!

  1. Thanks for sharing. Wonderfully soaked diaper. It’s fun too wear to capacity at times. That’s when the diaper gets extra thick and heavy!

  2. Hi. Another awesome story! I hope you’re doing well. I haven’t been going many places unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Which is sad, since I love visiting other places, particularly here in Washington state, where I’m from. Hopefully, the pandemic will be will soon be under control, and we’ll at least be able to do more things.

  3. Good Evening Riley!
    I have been following you for quite a few years.
    I myself have Cerebral Palsy and Autism.
    I am incontinent and in diapers 24/7.
    I also have been staying isolated due to this COVID-19 Virus Pandemic.
    I only get taken out to do my grocery shopping and errands once a week by one or another of my friends from church.
    I am Gay and my church is Open & Affirming, and 100% accepts LGBT persons.
    I no longer drive and I am dependent upon others to get me out into the community.
    I will note, that I am also an “Adult Baby”.
    I myself know a number of ABDL’s who have Cerebral Palsy or Autism or both.

    • I don’t have Cerebral Palsy, I’m perfectly able to walk around without assistance, but I do have Autism. I don’t know exactly how that contributes to one’s incontinence. But it’s been a lifelong challenge for me, keeping my pants clean and dry. I pee in my diapers and I poop. If it weren’t for diapers, I’d be pooping my pants.

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