
Hi there friends! I have my sweater and my nappies on, my bear sitting in my lap as I type this. I have a couple pictures to share, but not anything from this very moment so you’ll have to use your imagination. Just close your eyes and imagine a smiley riley and a smiley bear.

Something like this…

RK_IMG_1120This was when I took Bear to go see Paddington. It was a very cute bear story and a good movie all around, for both bears and hoomans. I have another bear story for you though it’s not very cute, it’s a short one about Bears Discovering Fire, and you can read it here. There’s also a podcast that carries it, and I’d be happy to read it if anyone would be interested to hear. The podcast version starts about 5 minutes into the show, and I must say it’s a story with some sad, weepy elements. But definitely worth the read and I really appreciate the friend who turned me on to this (thanks D). I love when people share cool stuff with me… especially bear stuff!

It’s beginning to get cold here just as I’m warming up to life. I forsee a fall and winter of sweaters, snow and snuggles. My last couple posts were pretty sad, and things have improved in my life since. Things aren’t 100%, still some struggles both new and old but I’m doing better at dealing with things. I’ve been back into my nappies, which improve my mood and wellness significantly. I’ve been working more and looking to get a second job here soon, all while making more solid plans for the future. You’ll be glad to hear i’m back on hormones, which is probably the best news for this growing little girl. I’m getting better at life, still barely holding things together but at least i’m holding things together.

I edited a TON of pictures today, so expect some more pics and thoughts soon (within the week, not the year). Keeping with my bear theme in tow, here’s my favorite episode of that cute We Bare Bears cartoon. It’s fairly intense and more than a little relevant. The ending makes me hug my bears extra, extra tight.

Hugs friends. Little baby bear hugs and big all-around-you bear hugs.


From Riley and Cincy.

9 thoughts on “Bearly

  1. Keep a smile on your face and a diaper on your bottom. Everything will work out good luck on the second job. Love you please keeps posting 😃

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