Contest Results and a New Video!

Last post I had a guess the diapers contest on my site, and the # of Depends in the pack was…


So thanks for all your guesses, most people guessed a little high, usually 15 or 14 from a pack of 20. I kinda did this to point out another bad Kimberley-Clark move, they pack Depends so tight into the packages so that if it’s been sitting on a shelf for a while the gel (usually in the front and back) gets totally flattened and doesn’t work. The pack was totally full, but I had taken 10 out.

Here’s the follow up to the bedwetting video, if anyone has any extra tips and tricks, please share! Enjoy, and Happy New Year!

p.s. thanks for FINALLY fixing after 6 days google, it’s no fun when you can’t post or get any official support. If you don’t hear from me in a while readers, it’s probably because of this consistent Blogger problem.

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9 thoughts on “Contest Results and a New Video!

  1. Hey sis, just wanted to report your youtube account is still supsended, which really sucks. I might get my padded butt bounced off thre too, since I sent the goofs in charge a note saying how disapointed I am with their ambiguous interpetations and applications of their 'rules'. Oh well,I guess you've gotten over it, but it still makes me sooo mad! Love ya lots!

  2. hey 😀
    i have a pdf file in my com. its about a 12month incontinent program. meaning… if you follow this program, you will be able to be incontinent for 12months. so far, i wet my bed at night.
    if you want, i can try sending you that file…
    oh and, great job with your blog!
    though i don't follow up regularly, but i think your opinion about your life is something respectable. cheers! hope to hear from you soon! 😉

  3. Thanks so much for this video. It has made me more confident and focus more on what I need to do to achieve what I desire. CDB gave me your site in one of my post and I can't thank you enough. I'm going to take your advice and try it out and see if I can do it also. Thanks again!

  4. Question about the dandelion stuff: Dandelions are, like, everywhere. Hell, a few sprout up in my lawn every week. Normally I'm inclined to live and let live but if there's some benefit to be gained by eating the things then I'm certainly game to cut the little bastards up and drink them. Would this be safe, though?

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