The Queen of Sus Mountain

Hello, friends! It’s been one heck of a day!!!

Some of these pictures are from the last week of adventure but all the ones of me in the Pink Unicorn dress are from today.

Today I packed up my fox and my friend and a bunch of cute outfits and diapers into my new car and headed south to the mountains to stay in a cabin in the woods. It was an absolutely beautiful drive, I ate at my favorite brisket place, I listened to a bunch of Southern Rock and the new Belle & Sebastian album, I had a little fun on the trail, did a diaper review in the middle of the forest, And now I am standing on a porch, looking at the trees, hoping tonight I see some cool night time forest animals 🙂

Virginia really is beautiful. I’m feeling very good. I’m to the point of tiredness where it’s difficult to make long intelligent sentences, but I wanted to take a moment to send a big hug and let you know that this little girl is doing okay :):)

××× bit of drama xxx

Also, my twitter got completely permanently suspended this morning, Makes me sad because I had a bunch of really important, irreplaceable messages but the brigade of clowns who constantly report me have scored another petty victory. But I was not really using that account much anyway, and if you want to see my pics/tweets check out CuteKinkyGirl, with this account I am not getting involved in any sort of social media stuff and just posting cute pictures. I still consider one of the biggest mistakes of my life was getting involved with twitter and the people on there. I think most of this community is great but the people who spend all day on that website are fucking garbage.

Just like my big TV appearance the other day not working out (I can’t tell you the full story of what happened yet) I was more relieved than disappointed, They can have my twitter account, they can rule over that ball of slime. I’m gonna be out here on the top of the world, they can have fun in the sewers. Imagine having so much hate focused around my super adorable content, every action a reaction.

Social media in many ways is like MMO game. Where the more time and effort you put into it, the more rewards you get and I just never spent all day on twitter like some of these people do. And it less has to do with skill or talent or integrity, or being a good person and more just being extremely present. I have always had a life and friends and stuff, so I couldn’t really spend all day on twitter and tweet twenty times a day like some folks.


I probably wouldn’t have written that last section if I wasn’t exhausted from driving all day. But twitter also was a place for me to expose my weaknesses, and I shouldn’t do that with such vigor.

So i’m gonna focus on my strengths and shoot some incredible content over the next 4 days, New stuff coming to all my sites, You’re gonna love it!!!

Hugs and more soooon!!!

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